Biography: Uma Nahar Saikia
Introduction: Genital warts are quite common in sexually active population with Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) as the causative agent. In western literature HPV6/11 as an etiological factor varies from 80 to 90%, however there is a paucity ofliterature in India about the type o f virus causing condylomata.
Material & Methods: A total of 22 histologically confirmed cases of condylomata acuminata were included in the study over a period of 2 years (2014-2016). The majority (19/22; 86.3%) of the biopsy samples were from genital and perianal areas. Formalin Fixed Para-film (FFPE) embedded sections were used for HPV 6 and 11 using 2-3, 20-30 micron sections. The targets used were L1 and E6 region of HPV 6 and 11, respectively.
Result: Clinically, 18 patients had giant condyloma and 4 had multiple lesions. There was male preponderance (95.4%) with mean age of 46.3 (18-84 years). Histologically marked acanthosis with papillomatosis was noted. There was moderately dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate in the upper dermis with vascular proliferation. Koilocytic change was seen in 10 (71.4%) cases
which correlated with PCR positivity in 10 cases. On PCR 14 cases (63.6%) were positive for HPV 6 or 11; HPV 6 alone was present in eight cases (36.3%) and HPV 11 in six cases (27.2%). No dual infection was present. The HPV 6/11 positivity correlated with higher degree of inflammation. Three cases with clinical diagnosis of syphilis, Ewing’s sarcoma and carcinoma breast, respectively were negative for HPV 6 and HPV 11.
Conclusion: The PCR results confirmed the presence of HPV6/11 in 63.6% of condylomata acuminata cases. Five morphologically confirmed cases were negative for HPV 6 and 11, possibly due to late stage of infection with no significant inflammation or koilocytic change. Hence