Day :
- Human Bacteriology | Medical Bacteriology | Pathogenesis | Clinical Aspects of Bacterial Infections | Epidemiology
Location: Dubai, UAE

Robert O Young
PH Miracle Centre, USA

Galina Migalko
Universal Medical Imaging Group, USA
Session Introduction
Syed Bilal Tanvir
Dar Al Uloom University , KSA
Title: Superhydrophobic/hydrophobic coatings with fluorinated and non-fluorinated diatomaceous earth particles



Reyed M Reyed
City of Scientific Research and Technology Applications, Egypt
Title: The negative impact of sea water desalination and the potential exposure to the risk of antibiotic resistome: The transmission antibiotic resistance from the aquatic environment to humans

Usman A Dutsinma
Bayero University Kano, Nigeria
Title: Studies of human T-lymphotrophic virus 1 among patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in Dutse Jigawa state, North-Western Nigeria

- Workshop
Session Introduction
Robert O Young and Galina Migalko
PH Miracle Centre, USA and Universal Medical Imaging Group, USA
Title: Alkalizing nutritional therapy in the prevention and treatment of any sickness or disease

- Virology | Medical Virology | Clinical Aspects of Viral Infection | Vaccines for Tropical Diseases | Tropical Viral Diseases
Location: Dubai, UAE
Session Introduction
Caroline Bilen
Clinical Educator, UAE
Title: Surgical safety solution to improve patient safety in caesarean procedures

Caroline holds BS in nursing since 1988, certified in Infection Control (NYIC) as well as educator for NYIC certification and patient safety. She is JCI certified educator for JCI education program “Safety in Surgical Services”. She has more than 25 years’ experience in Nursing Management, Infection control and Health Care Quality, Accreditation Management and Elderly Care. She held the position of Director of Nursing Services at “Home Care Lebanon”, where she was leading the Health Care Team and responsible for Patient Safety. She is an active public speaker at international and national congresses. She has been working closely with Hospitals Management team, Infection Control and Patient Safety Committees all over the CEEMEA region to improve patient safety, Expectations and outcomes. Her contribution in creating awareness of the best practices and driving surgical safety solution, surgical pathway, clinical evidences and standards of care to prevent Hospital Acquired Infection as well as educating Health Care Staff in CEEMEA region is broadly recognized and appreciated. She has publication on the Reduction of Surgical Site Infections in Cesarean Section Deliveries by Implementation of a Surgical Care Pathway
- posters
Location: Dubai, UAE
Session Introduction
Sachin Damke
Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, India
Title: Correlation of dengue serology with disease severity

Smita Damke
Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, India
Title: Seroprevalence of Brucella agglutinins in patient with pyrexia of unknown origin attending a tertiary care rural hospital

Smita Damke has completed MBBS in 2007 and MD Microbiology in 2013. She is working in a medical college from last 5 years
Monika Halanova
Pavol Jozef Safarik University, Slovakia
Title: Monitoring of opportunistic micro-sporidia in immune-compromised patients in Slovakia

Lenka Cechova
Pavol Jozef Safarik University, Slovakia
Title: Pigeons as a source of chlamydial infections for humans

Ingrid Babinska
Pavol Jozef Safarik University, Slovakia
Title: Prevalence of cryptosporidiosis in children from minority group in Slovakia

Zuzana Kalinova
Pavol Jozef Safarik University, Slovakia
Title: Occurrence of IgG A. phagocytophilum antibodies in professional soldiers in Eastern Slovakia