Scientific Program

Conference Series Ltd invites all the participants across the globe to attend Annual Conference on Bacterial, Viral and Infectious Diseases Dubai, UAE.

Day 2 :

Keynote Forum

Galina Migalko

Universal Medical Imaging Group, USA

Keynote: The Importance of interstitial fluid evaluation in relationship to any health condition

Time : 09:00-05:30

Conference Series Bacterial Diseases 2018 International Conference Keynote Speaker Galina Migalko photo

Galina Migalko graduated with her M.D. from Uzghorod Medical University (Ukraine) in 1988, After finishing the California School of Medical Sciences and earning an additional ARDMS license in Diagnostic Medical Sonography, she founded the Universal Medical Imaging Group an alternative and complementary practice that uses the Comprehensive Full Body Screening. In 2011, She received her NMD from the University of Science Arts and Technology (Montserrat, British West Indies and London, England) with a degree in Naturopathic Medicine


Due to the many ineffective and incomplete diagnostic and treatment results of conventional medical protocols (e.g. Comprehensive Blood and Chemistry tests, mammograms, antibiotics, antivirals, chemotherapy and radiation), more efficient alternative methods are needed. The potential of Non-invasive Medical Diagnostics (NMD) coupled with an Alkaline lifestyle and Diet (ALD) as a legitimate alternative to radioactive diagnostice and chemical treatments are examined. While largely ignored in conventional Medicine, the pH and electrolytes of the interstitial fluids of the Interstitum is suggested as an important part in identifying any viral, bacterial, fungal and/or cancerous condition. It is further suggested that all of these conditions may be the result of an over-acidic chemistry of the interstitial fluids of the body that can be prevented or reversed
with an alkalizing lifestyle and diet (ALT). Non-invasive Blood Testing (NBT) and Full Body Bio-Electro Interstitial Fluid Scan (FBBIES) are presented as a noninvasive and non-radioactive diagnostic tests to examine the body fluids pH, chemistry,
metabolic data and functionality of the organs and organ systems in the presence of any acidic disease causing condition. In addition, non-invasive Full-Body Thermography (FBT) and Full-Body Ultrasound (FBU) combined with the interstitial fluid testing (FBBIES) are presented as noninvasive methods to examine the physiology, the anatomy and the functionality of the organs, organ systems, glands and tissues in relationship to acute or chronic health conditions in the prevention, diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and monitoring the progress of any therapy progress. Finally, qualitative and quantitative non-invasive Blood Evaluation (NBE) is used as an important part of determining hematological data to compare with the interstitial fluid analysis (FBBIES). In contrast, to the potential chemical acidosis caused by conventional medical treatments, ALT methods such as Intravenous Nutritional Infusion (INI), Rectal Nutritional Infusion (RNI), alkaline foods and drinks, alkaline nutritional supplements, detoxification, exercise and stress reduction provide an alkalizing approach in preventing and reversing any health condition.

Break: Networking and Refreshments Break @ 10:30-11:00
  • Human Bacteriology | Medical Bacteriology | Pathogenesis | Clinical Aspects of Bacterial Infections | Epidemiology
Location: Dubai, UAE


Robert O Young

PH Miracle Centre, USA



Galina Migalko

Universal Medical Imaging Group, USA


Syed Bilal Tanvir has completed his MD in Medicine and a higher Masters in Clinical Microbiology and Infection Control from the Prestigious Queen Mary, University of London. He is currently working as a Faculty Member and Course Director of Infection and Host Defense and Disease Transmission and Infection control at Dar Al Uloom University, KSA, Saudi Arabia. He is also working as an infection control specialist at Dar Al Uloom University Hospital. He has published more than 12 papers in reputed journals and have presented his research internationally in Bahrain, Karachi and Jeddah previously.


Background & Aim: Acute Bacterial Skin And Skin Structure (ABSSSI) infections can cause a significant amount of morbidity and mortality in hospitalized patients and outpatients as well. Emerging resistance of Gram-positive pathogens to different drugs has narrowed down our options for treating skin infections. Newer antimicrobials such as delafloxacin might prove to be a useful alternative to treat skin infections caused by resistant Gram-positive pathogens. The objective of this review is to assess all the available evidence on delafloxacin in literature and compare its efficacy with drugs routinely used to treat skin infections.
Methodology: An extensive literature search was conducted using different databases. By using Pubmed, Embase and cochrane central register of controlled trials 86 abstracts were screened for eligibility. A total of 6 studies were finally included in the narrative review and meta-analysis. The primary outcome in this review was to assess the microbiological cure at the end of the follow up period. Secondary outcome was clinical response and absence of the signs and symptoms at the end of the follow up period.
Results: A total of 86 abstracts were screened for review, out of the 86 abstracts, 25 studies were further screened for eligibility, only 6 studies were finally included in the narrative review and meta-analysis. By using RevMan Software Risk Ratio (RR) random effects model was used with 95% Confidence interval. The pooled efficacy of Delafloxacin was at 80% 95 CI 1.01 (0.97, 1.06) P=0.51. No statistically significant difference was found between Intravenous (IV delafloxacin) and Comparator drugs.
Conclusion: Despite having a pooled cure rate of 80%, the efficacy of Delafloxacin was found to be non-inferior to tigegcycline and linezolid. Pooled cure rate and efficacy of Delafloxacin was also found to be superior to vancomycin. Therefore, it can be ascertained that Delafloxacin might prove as a useful alternative for treating resistant Gram-positive infections. However, more high quality randomized controlled trials, need to be conducted in future in order to develop clinical guidelines.


Uma Nahar Saikia has completed her MD, Pathology from NIMS, India and is currently working as a Professor at the Department of Histopathology, PGIMER, India. She is a Member of International Medical sciences Academy (FIMSA), International Society for Dermatopathology (ISDP), Member of National Academy of Medical Sciences (NAMS), Indian Society of Heart Research (ISHR), Dermatopathology Society of India (DSI), Indian association of Pathologists and Microbiologists (IAPM). She has published more than 200 international and 49 national papers in reputed journals.


Introduction: Genital warts are quite common in sexually active population with Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) as the causative agent. In western literature HPV6/11 as an etiological factor varies from 80 to 90%, however there is a paucity ofliterature in India about the type o f virus causing condylomata.
Material & Methods: A total of 22 histologically confirmed cases of condylomata acuminata were included in the study over a period of 2 years (2014-2016). The majority (19/22; 86.3%) of the biopsy samples were from genital and perianal areas. Formalin Fixed Para-film (FFPE) embedded sections were used for HPV 6 and 11 using 2-3, 20-30 micron sections. The targets used were L1 and E6 region of HPV 6 and 11, respectively.
Result: Clinically, 18 patients had giant condyloma and 4 had multiple lesions. There was male preponderance (95.4%) with mean age of 46.3 (18-84 years). Histologically marked acanthosis with papillomatosis was noted. There was moderately dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate in the upper dermis with vascular proliferation. Koilocytic change was seen in 10 (71.4%) cases
which correlated with PCR positivity in 10 cases. On PCR 14 cases (63.6%) were positive for HPV 6 or 11; HPV 6 alone was present in eight cases (36.3%) and HPV 11 in six cases (27.2%). No dual infection was present. The HPV 6/11 positivity correlated with higher degree of inflammation. Three cases with clinical diagnosis of syphilis, Ewing’s sarcoma and carcinoma breast, respectively were negative for HPV 6 and HPV 11.
Conclusion: The PCR results confirmed the presence of HPV6/11 in 63.6% of condylomata acuminata cases. Five morphologically confirmed cases were negative for HPV 6 and 11, possibly due to late stage of infection with no significant inflammation or koilocytic change. Hence


Wafaa Zahran is a Professor of Medical Microbiology& Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy,Menoufia University Egypt. She is also the Head of infection control unit, Menoufia University Hospitals. She completed her MBBch faculty of Medicine at Tanta University. She did her MSc and ph D
in Microbiology & immunology in Menoufia University. Dr. Wafaa also completed her Infection control Professional Diploma AUC, Cairo and Medical Education Diploma, at Arab institute for continued development.


Sepsis refers to signs of inflammation in the presence of a presumed infection. It can be a dangerous complication of almost any type of infection, including influenza, pneumonia and food poisoning; urinary tract infections; bloodstream infections from wounds; and abdominal infections. Recent sepsis overview in the medical journals, explains sepsis symptoms and risk factors, the difference between severe sepsis and septic shock, and how sepsis is typically treated. Nosocomial sepsis is a serious problem especially for patients who are admitted in intensive care units. It is associated with an increase in mortality, morbidity, and prolonged length of hospital stay. Thus, both the human and fiscal costs of these infections are high. The purpose of this lecture is to describe infection control strategy to reduce rate of nosocomial sepsis. I will answer some inquiries about sepsis: What are the differences among sepsis, severe sepsis and septic shock? What Should Infection Preventionists Know? Sepsis Epidemiology, Sepsis Pathophysiology, How to Diagnose, What Are Sepsis Risk Factors? The antibiotics and antibiotic stewardship role in managing sepsis. I will give highlights on New Guidelines for sepsis management. Prevention and Treatment of Nosocomial Sepsis in the ICUs and Septic Shock Bundle.

Break: Lunch Break 12:55-14:00 @ Restaurant

A one-decade technology developer and market builder in water Microbiology, Dr Reyed Human Gut Microecology & Microbiota Consultant; PhD “Probiotics Microbiology and researcher at Scientific Research and Technology Application city “ SRTA- City” , has deep expertise in Probiotic Microbiology, Water microbiology and Water treatment technology application stemming from 25 years a Scientific Researcher over 10 years executive technical consultant for h2o bioprocess of corporate Safibiowater in Alexandria, Egypt “ Integrated Eco-solution” He contributes to European Desalination Society, International water association. Egyptian council society and Egyptian scientific syndicate. And participated in over 20 International and National Conferences


Antibiotic-resistant bacteria most often are associated with hospitals and other health-care settings, but a new study indicates that sea water treatment plants and their water reuse also are hot spots of antibiotic resistance. The increase in antibiotic resistant bacteria and antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections could be the result of a number of factors including the overuse and misuse of antibiotics in humans, antibiotic use in animal and crop agriculture, antimicrobial substances in personal care products, and the incomplete removal of biocides from wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Wastewater treatment plants
and their water reuse areas ripe for bacteria to shuffle and share their resistance genes. These hot spots of potential resistance transmission included a modern wastewater treatment plant their water reuse in agriculture and food production that means it's relatively easy for disease-causing bacteria that are treatable with antibiotics to become resistant to those antibiotics quickly. If these bacteria happen to come into contact with other microbes that carry resistance genes, those genes can pop over in one step. Such gene-transfer events are generally rare, but they are more likely to occur in these hot spots if the water reuse are hot spots of resistance gene transfer, We speculated that bacteria present in wastewater treatment plants where human regularly receive antibiotics would see even more pressure to share resistance genes. We should concern about such bacteria getting into the food system. Further, the wastewater treatment facility may be hot spots of antibiotic resistance transmission regardless of their locations. Trace concentrations of antibiotic, such as those found in sewage outfalls, are enough to enable bacteria to keep
antibiotic resistance. This explain why antibiotic resistance is so persistent in the environment. The nonexistence of a important overlap of antibiotic-resistant bacteria (ARB) and antibiotic resistome between the human microbiome and potential environ mental sources should not be interpreted as an indication of risk absence. Hence, screening of antibiotic resistome pools cannot be used as an accurate measure of the risk for transmission to humans. The risks of transmission of antibiotic resistance from the environment to humans must be assessed based on antibiotic-resistant bacteria (not only on antibiotic resistome) that are able to colonize and proliferate in the human body. The risk is a function of their fitness in the human body and the presence
of resistance and virulence genes. Even at extremely low abundance in environmental sources. antibiotic-resistant bacteria may represent a high risk for human health. The limits of quantification of methods commonly used to screen for antibiotic resistant bacteria in environmental samples may be too high to allow reliable risk assessments. The times of yore decade has eye witnessed a disintegrate of study regarding antibiotic resistance in the environment, mainly in areas under human activities, which they are now recognized. However, a key issue refers to the risk of transmission of resistance to humans, for which a quantitative model is urgently needed. A most important conclusion is that the risks of spread of antibiotic resistance from the environment to humans must be managed under the precautionary principle, because it may be too late to act if we wait until we have concrete risk values.


Usman Aliyu Dutsinma completed his PhD in Microbiology (Medical) in 2013 from Bayero University, Kano Nigeria at the age of 35 years. He was the Deputy Dean, Faculty of science and Faculty of Life Sciences 2015 -2016 and 2016 – 2017 respectively. He published more than 20 papers in reputable Journals and presently he is the Editor-in-Chief, UMYU Journal of Microbiology Research ( Usman got the opportunity to interact with Professor Robert Gallo, the first Scientist to discover HIV/AIDS and the Founder of Global Virus Network during a third (3rd) short course at the Institute of Human Virology, School of Medicine, University of Maryland USA in October, 2016.


Human T-lymphotrophic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) is a causative agent of tropic spastic paraparesis and adult T-Cell leukaemia. Information regarding the involvement of HTLV-1 in presentation of subclinical immune suppression that may results in increased rate of HIV and TB infections has long been documented. 60 confirmed pulmonary TB subjects consisting of 41 males and 19 females were recruited in this study. Tuberculosis was confirmed by collecting their sputum samples and analyzed using GeneXpert. The immune-globulins G and M (IgG and IgM) were both assayed by Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA). The prevalence of HTLV-1 IgG antibodies among TB subjects was 6.6%, while that of IgM was 1.6%. There was no significant association between HTLV-1 and tuberculosis (P>0.05). Accordingly, sexually active group has the highest prevalence of 2.3% when compared to single and widow categories, age group 15-24 has the highest percentage of 3.3% for HTLV-1 IgG antibodies.

Break: Networking and Refreshments Break @ 03:50-04:20
  • Workshop

Session Introduction

Robert O Young and Galina Migalko

PH Miracle Centre, USA and Universal Medical Imaging Group, USA

Title: Alkalizing nutritional therapy in the prevention and treatment of any sickness or disease

In the 80's, following his schooling at the University of Utah, Dr. Young was trained in medical microbiology by Dr. Robert Bradford at the Bradford Research Institute in California. In 1991 through 1993,Dr. Young received a BSc and MSc in nutrition from the American College in Birmingham, Alabama. In 1995, he received his D.Sc. with emphasis in chemistry and biology. In 1997, Dr. Young received a Ph.D. in nutrition from Clayton College of Natural Health and later received an additional doctorate degree in naturopathy (ND) from Clayton College of Natural Health, (1999). He is currently the CEO and director of PH Miracle centre, U.S.A. Dr. Young's research has been published in several reputed journals. He is also the author of over 75 books and 3000 articles translated in 29 languages.
Galina Migalko graduated with her M.D. from Uzghorod Medical University (Ukraine) in 1988, After finishing the California School of Medical Sciences and earning an additional ARDMS license in Diagnostic Medical Sonography, she founded the Universal Medical Imaging Group an alternative and complementary practice that uses the Comprehensive Full Body Screening. In 2011, She received her NMD from the University of Science Arts and Technology (Montserrat, British West Indies and London, England) with a degree in Naturopathic Medicine.


Due to the many ineffective and incomplete diagnostic and treatment results of conventional medical protocols (e.g. Comprehensive Blood and Chemistry tests, mammograms, antibiotics, antivirals, chemotherapy and radiation), more
efficient alternative methods are needed. The potential of Non-invasive Medical Diagnostics (NMD) coupled with an Alkaline Lifestyle and Diet (ALD) as a legitimate alternative to radioactive diagnostic and chemical treatments are examined. While largely ignored in conventional Medicine, the pH and electrolytes of the interstitial fluids of the Interstitium is suggested as
an important part in identifying any viral, bacterial, fungal and/or cancerous condition. It is further suggested that all of these conditions may be the result of an over-acidic chemistry of the interstitial fluids of the body that can be prevented or reversed with an Alkalizing Lifestyle and Diet (ALT). Non-invasive Blood Testing (NBT) and Full Body Bio-Electro Interstitial Fluid Scan (FBBIES) are presented as a non-invasive and non-radioactive diagnostic test to examine the body fluids pH, chemistry, metabolic data and functionality of the organs and organ systems in the presence of any acidic disease causing condition. In addition, non-invasive Full-Body Thermography (FBT) and Full-Body Ultrasound (FBU) combined with the interstitial fluid testing (FBBIES) are presented as non-invasive methods to examine the physiology, the anatomy and the functionality of the organs, organ systems, glands and tissues in relationship to acute or chronic health conditions in the prevention, diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and monitoring the progress of any therapy progress. Finally, qualitative and quantitative non-invasive Blood Evaluation (NBE) is used as an important part of determining hematological data to compare with the interstitial fluid analysis (FBBIES). In contrast, to the potential chemical acidosis caused by conventional medical treatments, ALT methods such as Intravenous Nutritional Infusion (INI), Rectal Nutritional Infusion (RNI), alkaline foods and drinks, alkaline nutritional supplements, detoxification, exercise and stress reduction provide an alkalizing approach in preventing and reversing any serious health condition.

  • Virology | Medical Virology | Clinical Aspects of Viral Infection | Vaccines for Tropical Diseases | Tropical Viral Diseases
Location: Dubai, UAE

Caroline holds BS in nursing since 1988, certified in Infection Control (NYIC) as well as educator for NYIC certification and patient safety. She is JCI certified educator for JCI education program “Safety in Surgical Services”.  She has more than 25 years’ experience in Nursing Management, Infection control and Health Care Quality, Accreditation Management and Elderly Care. She held the position of Director of Nursing Services at “Home Care Lebanon”, where she was leading the Health Care Team and responsible for Patient Safety. She is an active public speaker at international and national congresses. She has been working closely with Hospitals Management team, Infection Control and Patient Safety Committees all over the CEEMEA region to improve patient safety, Expectations and outcomes. Her contribution in creating awareness of the best practices and driving surgical safety solution, surgical pathway, clinical evidences and standards of care to prevent Hospital Acquired Infection as well as educating Health Care Staff in CEEMEA region is broadly recognized and appreciated. She has publication on the Reduction of Surgical Site Infections in Cesarean Section Deliveries by Implementation of a Surgical Care Pathway





Health Care-Associated Infections (HCAI) is the most frequent adverse event in health-care delivery worldwide. Up to 16% of HCAI are Surgical Site Infections (SSI). Managing the risk of SSI is complex. Many patients are affected by SSI each year, leading to significant mortality, morbidity and financial losses for health systems. Caesarean section deliveries are an important surgical procedure that is used to improve both maternal and fetal outcomes in complicated pregnancies. In recent times however the convenience of the surgery for both mother and surgeon has resulted in an increasing global trend of C-section deliveries which according to the world health organization has now reached pandemic proportions. The nature of the surgery makes it a high risk procedure and the incidence of infection have been increasing in both well and under-resourced countries. Since the entire process is not limited to a single hospital department, a multi-disciplinary approach is needed to minimize the risk of infections. For this study a surgical care pathway was introduced as part of a performance improvement project to a private hospital in South Africa which resulted in C-section infection rates decreasing from 5.12±0.82% to 0.23±0.15% (p<0.0001).

  • posters
Location: Dubai, UAE

Session Introduction

Sachin Damke

Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, India

Title: Correlation of dengue serology with disease severity

Sachin Damke has completed MBBS in 2001 and MD pediatrics in 2006. He is working in a medical college from last 10 years.


Background & Objective: Dengue fever is one of the most common arboviral mediated outbreaks. The disease carries high morbidity and mortality. The spectrum ranges from mild self-limiting illness to severe fatal disease. This study was designed to correlate the dengue serology with the disease
Methods: Prospective observational study was undertaken among pediatric patients in a rural tertiary care hospital. The study
conducted over a period of 4 years. In patients suspected as dengue NS1 antigen, IgM and IgG for dengue were sent and those who
were positive for at least one of the three were included in the study.
Results: In the study, 234 patients studied, majority were males (68%). In the presenting symptom, fever was the most common symptom (100%) followed by headache (86%), myalgia (84%). Edema was observed in 19% while rash in 13%. According to the WHO criteria 174 (74%) were classified as non-severe dengue while 60 (26%) as severe dengue. Thrombocytopenia was seen in 97%
of patients. The complications of dengue observed in our study were hemorrhagic manifestations (26%), shock (33%), ARDS (8%) and CNS involvement (5%). Mortality rate was 8.97%. In the children classified as severe dengue only 5 (2%) children had only NS1 positive, 21 (9%) were positive for IgM, 11 (5%) for IgG and 23 (10%) for both IgG and IgM



Smita Damke has completed MBBS in 2007 and MD Microbiology in 2013. She is working in a medical college from last 5 years


Background & Aim: Human brucellosis is a zoonosis with worldwide distribution, with great importance in developing countries like India. The diagnosis of brucellosis is frequently difficult to establish as it mimics many other infectious and non-infectious diseases. The use of feasible diagnostic tests seems to be great importance for diagnosing human brucellosis. The present study was carried out to study the seroprevalence of human brucellosis by estimating IgG and IgM by ELISA in central India.
Methodology: A total of 124 serum samples were collected and processed from April 2016 to March 2017 in tertiary care teaching hospital on central India. The serum samples of the patients admitted to the hospital with the diagnosis of Pyrexia of Unknown (PUO) were investigated for detectable IgG and igM antibodies by ELISA. The observance value thus obtained was converted to NovaTec Unit (NTU) by using the formula according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Results: In the present study, from the total of 124 serum samples, ELISA detected presence of IgG antibodies in 12 (9.67%) indicating chronic infection and IgM antibodies in 28 (22.58%) suggesting acute and recent infection.
Conclusion: ELISA has the ability to measure two specific immunoglobulins for effective diagnosis and is also a rapid method for detecting seroprevalence of human brucellosis in the community.


Monika Halanova has completed DVM Degree at University of Veterinary Medicine in Kosice in 1995 and PhD in Infectious and Parasitic Diseases in 2000. She was honored as Associate Professor in Epidemiology at Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice, Faculty of Medicine in 2008. She works with several labs focusing on the diagnosis of infectious and parasitic diseases and long lasting study stay in Central Laboratory in Abu Dhabi, UAE. Her research takes place at the crossroads bof public health, epidemiology and infectious diseases. She has been part of several research projects as principal investigator or scientific co-worker. She has published around 367 scientific papers and abstracts.


The importance of opportunistic pathogens, which are able to be agents of disease only if the natural defence mechanisms are damaged and function of immune system is decreased, is growing due to an increasing number of patients with HIV infection/ AIDS, as well as other persons with disrupted immune systems due to primary or secondary immunodeficiency. Micro-sporidia are among the opportunistic pathogens that are occurring with greater frequency or severity in patients with impaired host defenses. Therefore, the aim of our study was to map the prevalence of Encephalitozoon intestinalis and Enterocytozoon bieneusi infection in a group of patients and to compare it with the occurrence of specific antigens in immune-competent people. Detection of spores of both pathogens in fecal samples was performed by an immunofluorescence test using species-specific monoclonal antibodies. Overall, we examined 142 people, including 80 men and 62 women. We compared the relative risk of micro-sporidia between groups of immunecompromised patients and immune-competent persons. The risk of occurrence of micro-sporidia Encephalitozoon intestinalis in the group of HIV/AIDS patients was 6.6 times higher, in the group of hemodialysis patients 1.6 times and in the group of renal transplant patients 4 times higher in comparison with the immune-competent persons. The risk of occurrence of micro-sporidia Enterocytozoon bieneusi in the group of HIV/AIDS patients was 10 times higher and in the group of renal transplant patients 6.7 times higher in comparison with the immune-competent persons. In the group of hemodialysis patients, the risk of occurrence of micro-sporidia Enterocytozoon bieneusi was the same as in the group of immune-competent persons.

Lenka Cechova

Pavol Jozef Safarik University, Slovakia

Title: Pigeons as a source of chlamydial infections for humans

Lenka Cechova has completed Public Health degree at the University of Pavol Jozef Safarik in Kosice, Slovak republic in 2013 and PhD in Public Health in 2017. Her research takes place at the crossroads of public health, epidemiology and infectious diseases with special focus on DNA analysis and genotyping spectrum of chlamydial pathogens in humans and animals. She is a member of several research projects. She has published more than 30 scientific papers and abstracts.


Urban and periurban areas are frequently home to wild birds, particularly feral pigeons (Columba livia domestica), which can be present at high density. These animals are known as reservoirs of zoonotic viruses, bacteria, fungi and protozoa. In particular, columbiform birds, including pigeons, have been ranked as the second major reservoir, after psittaciformes, of Chlamydia psittaci. This is a highly infectious bacterium which inducing asymptomatic forms or pneumonia, poor growth, diarrhea and central nervous system
disorders. C. psittaci is transmissible to humans causing severe zoonotic infections. Because both, domestic and feral pigeons may be carriers of hazardous agents for humans and animals and get in close contact with humans, the aim of this study was to investigate the pigeons in Slovakia living in different areas close to the people for the presence of C. psittaci from pharyngeal and cloacal swabs and compare incidence between domestic and feral pigeons. Each sample was examined by molecular method PCR and in case of positive result the identity of the obtained sequences was examined by a BLAST search. Of the total of 60 clinically healthy feral pigeons that were examined, 13 (21.7% positivity) were positive for C. psittaci after sequenation. From 47 domestic pigeons were no pigeons positive for chlamydial infections. Our results show, that feral pigeons have higher risk for chlamydial infections in comparison with domestic pigeons (21.2 times higher). Because urban pigeon populations still represent risk to public health, is necessary performs screening examination of animals and analyze the epidemiological factors affecting the way of transmission and circulation of pathogen with the aim of reducing or halting of the spread of this infection not only between animals but also in the line pigeons – sensitive persons.


Ingrid Babinska has completed her Graduation as a Medical Doctor in 1995 at the Medical Faculty, Pavol Jozef Safarik University, completed three years of study
Master of Public Health (2005) and finished PhD study in Public Health (2014). Currently, she is working as a Assistant Professor in the Department of Epidemiology, Medical Faculty, Pavol Jozef Safarik University. She is a member of several research team. Her research is in the field of public health and epidemiology with a particular focus on socio-economically disadvantaged groups. She has published 36 scientific papers and abstracts.


In present, intestinal parasitic infections remain a serious public health problem globally concern in both developed and developing countries. One of them is cryptosporidiosis, a diarrheal disease caused by protozoan parasites of the genus Cryptosporidium. In human, two species – Cryptosporidium hominis and Cryptosporidium parvum are of major significance to public health. Infection is endemic in places with poor sanitation and crowded living conditions and is associated with source of water supply, age and socioeconomic status.
In Slovakia, such places largely representing the Roma settlements and housing. Because Cryptosporidiosis is potentially life-threatening in immunocompromised persons and younger children between 1 and 5 years, which are more susceptible to infection than others, for the presence of Cryptosporidium antigen we examined a total of 81 asymptomatic children aged 0-14 years of Roma national minority coming from settlements of Eastern Slovakia. The faecal samples were analysed by ELISA method and by modified Kinyoun’s acid-fast stain. The overall positive percentage was 44.4%. All faecal samples were parallel examined by the modified Kinyoun’s acid-fast stain, which had a lower detection rate. The finding of large numbers of oocysts was observed mostly at absorbance between 0.575 OD to
2.066 OD.


Zuzana Kalinova has received her Medical Doctor Degree at Pavol Jozef Safarik University, Medical Faculty in 1995 and her PhD degree in Public Health in
2011. Since 2006 she has worked as a senior research at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Medical Faculty, Department of Epidemiology. Her research
activities are oriented on different fields of epidemiology, mainly on the field of vector-borne diseases. She is co-worker of several research projects. To this time,
she published 147 scientific papers and abstracts.


Human Granulocytic Anaplasmosis (HGA) is emerging tick-borne infectious diseases caused by Anaplasma phagocytophilum. In Europe, the first serological evidence of HGA was described in 1995 in Switzerland and first clinical case was confirmed in 1997 in Slovenia. Since then, many European countries, including Slovakia reported occurrence of HGA. Therefore, the aim of the study was map the occurrence of IgG A. phagocytophilum antibodies in group of professional soldiers. A total 322 human serum samples (296 men and 26 women) were analyzed for the presence of antibodies against A. phagocytophilum. Anti-A. phagocytophilum IgG antibodies were detected by the focus diagnostics indirect immunofluorescence antibody IgG test, which is intended for the detection of human serum IgG class antibodies to A. phagocytophilum, as an aid in the diagnosis of HGA. Blood sera were processed and results interpreted according to the test producer. Of the total number of 322 examined people, 67 (20.8%) showed positivity for IgG antibodies against A. phagocytophilum. Out of 67 positive people, 35 have positive anamnesis for tick bite. The real infection rate of HGA in Europe is still hard to establish. Sero-prevalence rates range from zero to up to 28.0%. No official epidemiological data on the prevalence of this infection in the human population are available in Slovakia. Only a few studies have been published relating to anaplasmosis, with results of prevalence ranging from 7% to 25%. The total prevalence of A. phagocytophilum antibodies in our sample (20.8%) corresponds with the findings of these studies.